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Project Case Study

Champions Cheer Website

The Challenge

This client requested a new website that could be easy to updated, had branding that matched their current look and integrated with their online-based class listing/enrollment software. They had asked someone else to consider making their website but they did not want to take on the challenge of integrating the third-party software into the website. After preliminary scoping out the third-party software, we felt confident that we would be able to do what the other designer could not.


This project started off with Concept Incarnate™ doing a lot of technical communications with the client’s service providers to make sure all of her ducks were in a row for the upcoming changes. The old website provider did not allow for much visual customization to the website and was not responsive to mobile devices. The design of the website itself, as admitted by the client, was stuck in the 90’s. The client did not even refer people to the website for information as it looked so dated; she preferred they called or visited the office for information. Clearly, the website was not even being fully utilized as a marketing tool.

We updated the design to have a high-end look to match with the visual demands of her higher-end clientele. We also made sure to use responsive design, as many of the parents’ of her students had smart phones.

We gathered all of the information from the old website, current brochure and information learned at client-interviews and organized the information into a more intuitive format. We also took the time to re-write much of the copy pulled from the existing sources to have a clear, concise and coherent tone.

We presented the designs to the client and with her approval, we began working on the development. We then finished flushing out the content after the website development to fill in any gaps that were discovered. We enhanced all photos provided before uploading them to the website. Once the website was fully populated with content, we proceed to have an in-person training session to teach the client how to update their website’s day-to-day content.

Why Concept Incarnate was the Best Choice

The project lead and co-owner was a very busy person so she needed a company that could take care of a lot of the planning and back-end support for her. As part of the scope of the project, we contacted the client’s current host and the third-party software vendor to make sure all of the technical requirements of integrating the software could be achieved. We also recommended and contacted the client’s new host and to make sure the hosting transition from the old vendor to the new vendor had a minimum impact in down-time for their email communications and website visitors. We were also more suited to do this communication on behalf of the client as we had more technical expertise to ask the right questions, rather than requesting the client ask questions and for changes on her accounts she did not fully understand.

Why We Chose This Project

This client put her full-faith in us for design choices and creativity in the design. Who could say no to a client that trusts us for our design opinions?